Organizing & Decluttering Tips

Living room with a grey sectional couch and a coffee table with stacks of paper and clothes strewn all over the room.

Too Much Stuff and What to Do About It

Clutter is more than just a nuisance—it can drain your energy, steal your time, and contribute to unnecessary stress. When items begin to pile up, your home starts feeling less...
Basement jam-packed with various items

Case Study: The Chaos of a Disorganized Home

Introduction: Living in a Constant State of Overwhelm Meet Lisa, a 47-year-old marketing executive and mother of two teenage boys living in Toronto. She has a successful career, a loving...
Grey living room - couch with glass coffee table and minimal décor pieces.

Breaking Free from the Chaos

Understanding the Link Between Clutter and Stress For many professional parents, life is a juggling act between career and family responsibilities. With so much on their plates, it's easy for...
A cozy family room in white and grey

Decluttering and Organizing Now: A Gift to Your Future Self

Life can often feel overwhelming. Between work, family responsibilities, and personal commitments, your environment might take a backseat. But neglecting the spaces you inhabit—your home, office, and even your digital...
Home Office with desks and bookshelves

Home Office Storage Ideas

Busy professionals strive to maintain optimal productivity, whether they are working in the office or working from home. Maintaining your digital and physical storage space can help them manage their...
A laptop, monitor, keyboard, camera and a plant is on a white desk that is in front of a set of windows.

Organizing a Home Office: A Case Study

Moving into a new home can be a daunting task, especially when coupled with managing a home-based business and dealing with health issues. Our client, Emily, recently faced this very...
Female writing on a piece of paper with a keyboard and a cell phone nearby.

Boost Your Productivity By Staying Organized

As a busy professional and a full-time mom you may feel overwhelmed as you are constantly juggling work, home, and personal life. Staying organized might seem like a luxury when...
family around the table sharing a meal

The Ultimate Guide to Getting Organized With Your Family

Being a busy mom myself, I can relate to the stress of juggling work, family and health.  It is often difficult to find the time and energy to check off...
White closet with clothes, shoes and accessories nicely displayed

How to Organize Your Closet: A Step-by-Step Guide

Our wardrobes should evolve over time to reflect changes in our lifestyle, tastes and needs. Yet, our closets often struggle to keep up with this transition, becoming cluttered and chaotic....
Kitchen with lots of items on the counter, around the peninsula and on the floor

Address the Elephant in the Room: Helping Your Friend Tackle Clutter

Have you ever experienced this:  You are invited to a friend’s house for a get together but as soon as you walk in, you notice the house is full of...