Organizing & Decluttering Tips

The Cost of Clutter
I recently saw a commercial for an air freshener product and it asks, “Have you turned “nose blind”?” This got me thinking that many of my clients have turned “clutter...

Moving? 25 Things To Get Rid Of Now
If you are planning to move next month or within the next year, you will want to spend a couple of minutes to read this. Whether you are moving into...

Simplify Your Morning Routine By Organizing Your Closet
“Have nothing in your house that you do not know to be useful or believe to be beautiful.” ~William Morris Is your closet overstuffed with clothes? Would you like to...

12 Things to Declutter Now
Did you make any new year’s resolutions? Are you trying to make improvements and better yourself? Perhaps you would like to make time to exercise or spend more quality time...

We’ve all been there, procrastination. Giving ourselves excuses for not getting stuff done and an aversion to complete the tasks we need to get to. Merriam Webster defines procrastinate as:...

5 Practical Budgeting Tips
Are you feeling that your money is not going as far as it used to? If so, you are not alone. According to Numbeo, the cost of living for a...

Feng Shui 風水: 5 Ways To Harmonize Your Home
The words “feng shui” may sound foreign, but “having a home that make you feel comfortable, happy and healthy” is a description that all of us can understand. While I...

What To Do When You Own Too Much Stuff
In the last blogpost, Do You Have Too Much Stuff?, I talked about signs that you may have too much stuff. In this blogpost, I want to discuss why too...