Simple Tips To Get You Ready For The Holiday Season

By Pamela Wong

Pamela is a Trained Professional Organizer based in Oakville, Ontario and is the owner of Zen N Organized. She helps homeowners and small business owners transform their homes and home offices into organized spaces. She has a practical, non-judgemental approach to organizing. Her objective is to create functional and harmonious spaces for her clients.


Now that Halloween has come and gone, retail stores are in full holiday season mode. With the holiday season is fast approaching, are you ready?

Being prepared for big events will not only save time and money, but it will also decrease the stress level. To help make this holiday season more enjoyable, here are some simple tips:

1. Set a budget – use a spending tracker app to keep everything within budget (include decorations, food and gifts). Think outside the box for gift ideas. Christmas is about giving. A thoughtful present is often much more appreciated than something expensive.

2. Schedule and plan – Everyone has a cell phone these days so using technology should be a no-brainer. Send invites early so everyone has time to plan ahead. Once confirmed, mark it down on your calendar and plan accordingly – menu, drinks, games, what to wear, gifts etc.

3. Decorations – This is one area a lot of my clients seem to be stressed about. If you are pressed for time, just keep it simple and elegant. Pinterest provides countless inspiration for all different budgets.

4. Meal planning – anything you can prepare ahead of time will decrease your stress the day of the event. Use your “go-to” recipes or find ones that are easy to make and freezable.  Have a couple of freezable dishes for unexpected guests.

5. Have some “ME” time and make sure you are well hydrated (with water) and have enough sleep.

6. Relax and enjoy – holiday season is about spending quality time with friends and family so relax and enjoy!

May your holiday season be filled with less stress and more joy!

Pam at Zen N Organized


  1. Janet Barclay on November 14, 2022 at 12:37 pm

    One thing I learned about budgeting is to be sure and include tax in your calculations. If you decide to spend $100 per person, that’s actually $113.00. It’s not a huge difference, but if you have a lot of people to shop for, or a higher spending limit, it can really add up!

  2. Sabrina Quairoli on November 16, 2022 at 9:52 am

    Great holiday tips, Pamela! Staying on a budget is so much easier when you have a plan in place.

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