5 Organizing Products To Help You Save Time and Money

By Pamela Wong

Pamela is a Trained Professional Organizer based in Oakville, Ontario and is the owner of Zen N Organized. She helps homeowners and small business owners transform their homes and home offices into organized spaces. She has a practical, non-judgemental approach to organizing. Her objective is to create functional and harmonious spaces for her clients.


Are you looking for ideas to save money and be more efficient? Want to know how to save time by being more organized? Here are some of my favourite things that I use on a daily basis:

  1. Garbage bin in the car

Just like many of you, we are one busy family and spend a lot of time in the car driving from one place to the next. From candy wrappers, granola bar wrappers to dirty Kleenexes, we accumulate a lot of garbage in the car.

By keeping two small garbage bins on the inside of the car doors and clearing them out one or twice a week, I get to keep the interiors of the car under control, and save a lot of time cleaning up in the long run.

  1. Lazy susan for spices or mugs

Not everyone has an updated kitchen that comes with a spice drawer or adjustable shelves.  If you are in an older home or simply needs to make your kitchen more functional, try using a lazy susan for all the spices or mugs.  I have been doing this for over 20 years.  Trust me, it works quite well!

  1. Mesh laundry bag for socks

Got a sock eating monster in the washer and dryer?  I don't know how many times I have heard my clients complain about having mismatched socks.  Try this:  Use the small laundry bags and sort by colour or by family member. I colour code them so one bag is for whites, one for colour and one for darks. Do this trick and let the sock eating monster go hungry!

  1. Accordion file for receipts

Keep your personal receipts all organized by keeping them in a small accordion file.  Not only is it tidy but it also makes it easy to tally up your monthly expenses.  For business receipts, you may want to sort it by category, instead of  by month.  Having this sorted a different way makes it much easier for record keeping and tax reporting.

So there it is, some of my simple organizing solutions.  Let me know if any of these tricks help you be more organized and efficient.

Remember saving time and saves you money!








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